722.6 Adaption Procedure. Important for best shift quality.
Tuned TCU that I ship have adaptions cleared to Zero. Shifts will be Very Firm and torque reduction during shifts will be noticeable during the adaption process. When transmission starts to adapt and sets into eeprom memory shift feel will improve significantly and torque reduction during shifts will reduce intensity. This is not an instant process. Takes up to 100 miles if you thrash on car before adaption period.
Mercedes Transmission Optimize – Adaptation Procedure 722.6
Transmission Control Module N15/3 of transmission series 722.6 has the capability to
variations in shift member clearances, filling pressures and friction characteristics in
maintaining optimal functions
Transmission adaptation must be performed after:
1.) Replacement of transmission assembly
2.) Replacement of Transmission Control Module N15/3
3.) If shifting characteristics seem unfavorable
4.) If shift quality has decreased after repairs or the battery supply is interrupted
5.) Components have been replaced in transmission
General Information Concerning 722.6 Adaptation Process:
1.) Each shift and each shift member has control module requirements
2.) Adaptation values are established during shifting with extreme light loads. The
transmission then functions correctly in all other driving conditions
3.) Approximately eight shifts per shift member must take place within the permissible
engine torque, engine speed and transmission oil temperature allowances to
effectively improve adaptation values.
a.) Upshifting using transmission selector lever is an effective method to achieve
upshifts with such light engine torque.
4.) Engine must continue to run for at least 10 minutes after transmission adaptation is
performed. This will allow control module to record and store the new adaptation
values into memory. (This is conducted in Park / Idle condition)
Note! If the engine is turned off prior to the required 10-minute time interval, all new
adaptation values will NOT be stored. The transmission control module will default to
previous values!
Adaptation Procedure as follows:
1.) Transmission oil temperature at 80° to 90° C optimally
2.) Connect scanner to indicate RPM and Speed . (Not required but helps)
3.) Climate Control (A/C System) in OFF condition
4.) Drive on level road conditions with light throttle
5.) Do NOT exceed the maximum RPM value during the shift process (1800 to 2400 RPM)
As for field experience to adapt the 722.6:
Place the transmission shift lever in the lowest gear, lightly accelerate to the 2400 RPM limit, and
back to idle condition. Perform this 3 to 4 times.
Place the shift lever in the next gear position and perform the same procedure as above.
After the last gear selected position is performed, bring the vehicle to a stop and allow it to
idle in the PARK position for at least 10 minutes.
Once this has been performed, shut off the engine, restart, place it into DRIVE, and check for
proper shift adaptation to have been stored if you have a scan tool capable of seeing shift adaption values.
If not, repeat the above procedure. This may take a few times as I have experienced.
Most of the time you can drive like a grandma for 20-30 miles of stop-and-go driving and 10 minute idle in park to set in adaptions into eeprom memory, usually always sets in the first set of adaptions then TCU will learn more when you drive more and shift feel will improve significantly.
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